
Friday, June 22, 2012

Jack Russell Terrier Portrait

My friends don't know it, but I painted their little Jack Russell - "Maggie May."  She's painted in acrylic on a 6x6" wraparound canvas and varnished twice. 

"Maggie-May", acrylic, 6x6"©Kim Werfel

This is a surprise gift for them as they just sold their home to move to the beach!  Sorry for the poor photo....pastels are easier to photograph as they don't shine back at you.  I must have used some gloss medium without realizing it in the background.


(original photo)

Thought you might enjoy a look at the original photo....she's very sweet here...but obviously a flash photo.  I like the strong contrast between her light fur and dark background.  Cropped the photo to focus on her face and pushed some light yellows, pinks and greens to give her some dimension.  Pushed dark greens and blues in the background.

They have another dog "Mojo" too that I've started, but won't have in time for their farewell party this weekend. I'll work on him his week and post later.

I think they'll love it...(I love surprises!).....

Stay tuned....I'll let you know how it all worked out :)

Have a great weekend!


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