This is the first "three dog portrait" that I've painted. Considering this was all done from photos sent to me by e-mail by the client, I think it turned out pretty well! I usually like to take my own photos and meet the dog to get a take on their energy and personality.
First dog in the portrait is Raine, a smaller darker Border Collie. I tried to boost the colors in each dog to bring the artwork alive.
Playing up the warm/cool, dark/light, intense/dull contrasts as well as paying attention to soft and hard edges and textures of the eyes, nose and fur are all considered when painting.
The next dog....largest and the alpha is Isabella.....
The sun was bleaching out her color...I helped it out a bit and brought her right side a bit out of the dark.
Then Lily.....
She looks warmer here than in the original..I really liked her eyes and expression. I turned her around a bit so she was more upright.
The finale'..............
Raine, Isabella and Lily, pastel on Art Spectrum Colourfix in Blue Haze mounted on Gatorboard, cut to 16"x26". ©Kim Werfel
Hope you enjoyed my journey!
For info on your own pastel portrait and upcoming classes & workshops see my website at